Ein Film von Vanessa Nica Mueller, 2006, 13.54 Minuten, 35mm Diapositive transformiert auf DV PAL, Gitarre: Lutz Nikolas Kratzer, Tonschnitt: Paul Schejtt.
Interviews mit Abraham Madeisker, Eti, Julie Mont Charmont u.w
„Far Lights“ is a melancholic journey through a foreign country. All interviews and images -captured during half a year living abroad – are surrounding the question: What is feeling at home? My main intension was to visualize a journey which reflects an inner feeling in the outside world. This film is more a reconstruction of a mood than a classical documentary. „Far Lights“ reflects something generally human, the longing to have a place where you belong.
„The Journey I took is an impossible one, because only foreigners could travel so freely. „
(Drehorte: Israel, Jordanien, Palest. Gebiete)
in Kooperation mit der Bezalel Academy for Arts & Design
& Karl H Ditze Stipendium für Internationale Mobilität
Dokumentarfilmfestival Kassel, 2006
Künstlerhaus Sottbörn, Kleine Gesellschaft für Hören und Sehen, 2022