27:00 Minuten, Deutschland / Nord Irland (2011)
Interviews mit Sinead Bhreathnach-Cashell, Daniel Jewesbury, Lindsey Mitchell, Ryan Moffett, Derville Quigley, Duncan Ross and Stephen Wood
„Traces of an Elephant“ umkreist anhand einer Reihe von Interviews unterschiedliche Erinnerungen an Alan Clarkes kontroversen Film „Elephant“ (Belfast, 1989). Neben ihren persönlichen Sichtweisen auf den Film beschreiben die Befragten Veränderungen urbaner Räume der Stadt Belfast innerhalb der letzten zwanzig Jahre. Dokumentarische Annäherung und die Intensität von Alan Clarkes Film verdichten sich.
Deutsche Premiere: 57. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, 2011
Bester Beitrag des Deutschen Wettbewerbs, 2011
—english version below—————————-
27:00 minutes, Germany / Northern Ireland (2011)
Interviews mit Sinead Bhreathnach-Cashell, Daniel Jewesbury, Lindsey Mitchell, Ryan Moffett, Derville Quigley, Duncan Ross and Stephen Wood
„Traces of an Elephant“ is a reflection on different attitudes towards the film „Elephant“ directed by Alan Clarke (Belfast, 1989). It features a number of interviews that deal with Clarke’s controversial television drama. Along with their personal memories of the film, the interview partners also reminisce about the structural changes in the city of Belfast during the past twenty years. The documentary approach and the intensity of Clarke’s fictional film coalesce.
German Premiere: 57th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 2011
Prize for the best contribution to the German Competition